Week 15 - 2024

April 8th, Monday

No entry

April 9th, Tuesday

No entry

April 10th, Wednesday

April 11th, Thursday

Crafting a "inter-ethnography" notebook. Intended to write about the field, while geographicaly away from the field. Like an ethnographic notebook, but while I'm physically away. On it's back I write "Faut tout leur dire, à ces cons d'anthropologues. Y savent rien."

April 12th, Friday

Shooting self portraits for the article I wrote for Salut! Ça va?. It will soon be published.

April 13th, Saturday

I receive the final version of the article that will be titled Pré-ethnographie et anecdotes d'un franssouz à Blago.

I browse and analyse some Salut! Ça va? in their printed version (that were gifted to me while in Blagovechtchensk).

The paper is laid out in Paris.

April 14th, Sunday

No entry