Week 18 - 2024

April 29th, Monday

Starting to plan the trip to China.

April 30th, Tuesday

Gathering every data and documents I have about my future thesis.


Working on an ethnographic report I'm almost two years behind the deadline of. Also starting to take pictures of the herbarium that will go with it.

May 1st, Wednesday

No entry

May 2nd, Thursday

Trying to edit a video linked to the report mentionned above. Writing ideas about how to do so, but realising I need the finished text first.

May 3rd, Friday

Working on the report, at BNF.

May 4th, Saturday

Gathering informations about herbarium making at Claude Levi-Strauss library.

May 5th, Sunday

Learning everything I need to know about administrative timing and paperwork to get involved into a thesis at EHESS.