
Born in Longjumeau, France.
Single kid. Separated parents at five. Lived at mother's, visited father every month.
Mother's an airport parking agent, father's an electrician.
Cherished by them, never missed anything.
No religious education.
Went to public school in Toulouse periphery, and two years in a private one.
Started Anthropology at Jean-Jaurès University, Toulouse. Undergraduated.
Met many left wing sympathizers there, and the idea of squatting.
Started a master degree in Paris, at Ehess, with the intent to study humor in non-violent protesting.
Opened and lived in squats, in Paris suburbs for two and a half years, while graduating with a dissertation about clown activism, at age 27.

He now writes a Anthropology PhD project, after a preliminary fieldwork in Blagovechtchensk, Russia, a city adjacent to the Chinese city of Heihe.